Lifeline Broken Hill
Country to Coast
Lifeline Broken Hill
Country to Coast
How's Ya Mate? Find out more about our mental health and well-being program

A list of the services available in your region.
Lifeline’s Counsellors are a group of caring and well-trained professionals, providing a free and much needed service to the community.
We’ve Got Your Back is a face-to-face, peer mental health and wellbeing support program in Far West NSW & North-East SA.

Lifeline offers a range of
face-to-face and online
training courses.

REACH is designed for community to engage with suicide awareness training in an accessible timeframe.
DV-Alert builds the knowledge and capacity of community frontline workers to provide appropriate support to women and children in Australia through a range of workshops.
The SafeTALK program alerts community members to signs that a person may be considering suicide.
Accidental Counselling teaches participants to respond appropriately, efficiently and effectively to people in crisis or distress when there may not be a professional immediately available.